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Music Of Our Time, Book 2 / Musique de notre temps 2Order # W 131
UPC: 7 77535 00131 3 Suggested Retail Price: $13.95 by Jean Coulthard, David Duke and Joan Hansen Although the Music of Our Time Series has been available for many years, it is still a wealth of valuable repertoire and information. The series consists of nine volumes of piano works in contemporary styles, as well as two volumes of teachers’ guides. Music of Our Time Book 2 contains a wealth of titles including: Good Morning Song (Coulthard); Goodnight Song (Coulthard); She's LIke the Swallow (Duke); Night Song for Christopher (Hansen); Night Song for Greg (Hansen); Fanfare: A Beastly Promenade (Duke); Canon (David Duke); Grandmother's Nonsense Song (Coulthard); Twotone (Hansen); Lullaby For a Baby Seal (Coulthard); The Cathedral in the Snow (Duke); The Sailor Boy (Coulthard); Lament of the Stone Lion (Duke). 40 Pages Publisher: Waterloo Music |